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Climbing trip in Jordan

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

When we think of Jordan, we quickly think of Petra and its temple sculpted by the Nabataeans, the Dead Sea and the composition of its water so laden with salt that it becomes impossible to sink or even dive, or Wadi Rum and its desert dotted with red sandstone towers. It's good […]

It is indeed Wadi Rum and its very special climbing that I would like to talk to you about here. The sandstone, compact sand in short, sculpted by water and the wind, offers ever more spectacular shapes: from small columns to lunules via taffoni, these large alcoves which require recovery in 6a pitches, crimps in steep walls or perfect cracks. The climbing is rich there and requires time to adapt to tame this very special rock.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
The Wadi Rum desert

What can I say other than the atmosphere in this desert? It's certainly why you come to Wadi Rum. The stretches of sand as far as the eye can see, punctuated by these 'djebels', leave you dreaming and pondering. You reach a different level of self-presence, and the break with everyday life is automatic and effortless. It's definitely an experience worth living.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
flowery desert

A few routes made during this period which needed to be extended, of course!

The Beauty, 6b max, 200 m then summit of Djebel Um Ejil

A classic among the classics. The approach is already a journey in itself. Get lost in the canyons to finally reach this perfect cracked dihedral that is just waiting for one thing: to be climbed! The perfect opportunity to perfect your dulfer technique.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L1 from The Beauty
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L5 from The Beauty
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L5 from The Beauty

Flight of Fancy, 6b max, 180 m on the east face of Djebel Rum

History of balancing the muscles for the practice of the dulfer after a day in The Beauty!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L3 from Flight of Fancy
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L4 from Flight of Fancy

Merlin's Wand, 6b max, 230m in Barrah Canyon

A crack that scratches this great wall of Barrah Canyon, lost in the desert. Another classic in the crack that does not require knowing how to get your hands stuck thanks to the many rulers located around the crack!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Merlin's Wand is the crack on the left that scratches the wall...
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Merlin's Wand L4
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Merlin's Wand L6

lion heart, 6b+ max, 350m

Crack this time, real, rather obligatory. Superb, sustained, in an exceptional setting, a route to do absolutely!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
The Lion Heart approach
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Lion Heart's L2
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Lion Heart L4
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Lion Heart L5
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
View of Khazali from the top of Abu Aina Tower

Desert rats in the shade, 6b max, 230m on Al Maghrar

A way lost to the south, in the desert where only a few shepherds have taken up residence. Mandatory crack, off-width passages and a classic taffoni slab finish. A really beautiful and demanding route!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L2 of Desert rats in the shade
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L3 of Desert rats in the shade
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L6 of Desert rats in the shade
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L7 from Desert rats in the shade

In the sandstone of the wind, 7a max, 300m to Khazali North

3 first pitches of anthology with in particular this splitter overhanging in 7a worthy of Indian Creek. Compulsory hand and foot jamming! Slab end lengths on taffoni require care and experience on this pebble style.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
The fantastic splitter of the L2 of the sandstone of the wind
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L3 from Sandstone of the Wind
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
The taffonis of L5 from In the sandstone of the wind

Raid Mit the Camel, 7a max, 450 m on the east face of Djebel Rum

A wide route on the east face of Djebel Rum which alternates difficult pitches that are easily protected then easy pitches in the taffoni fields which involve much more. Special mention for this length on the scales of the camel where you necessarily pass on its back!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L3 from Raid Mit the Camel
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L4 of Raid Mit the Camel straddling the scales!
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L6 from Raid Mit the Camel
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L12 from Raid Mit the Camel

queen of the desert, 7a+ max, 450 m fully equipped on the East face of Djebel Rum

A recent, fully-equipped route that almost looks like rest, mentally anyway, and which allows you to reach the top of the east face rather quickly via vertical pitches then slabs. Adhesion is indeed well tested!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L3 from Queen of the Desert
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L4 from Queen of the Desert
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L11 from Queen of the Desert
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
L11 from Queen of the Desert: the flat hand theme and we push!

first kiss, 7a max, 230 m on the east face of Djebel Rum

A very recent route, equipped, which offers an atypical climb at the end of the first pitch: climb a smooth tube 1.60 m in diameter by 5 m high! We continue by going up in the Great Siq to go down again by the reminders of Hammad's route which implies a pretty varied race.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
First Kiss L1
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
First Kiss L2

Finally, we must not forget the Bedouin roads, these often slightly climbing hikes which allow access to emblematic peaks by the most ingenious and less steep passages. We have done the classic crossing of Jebel Rum from west to east by the Nabataean way. 6 hours of walk that leave memories marked by the immensity and the privilege of evolving alone on these sandstone domes.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Ascent by the Nabataean way
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Descent on the domes
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
The royal road!

If you feel like it, I am organizing a trip to Wadi Rum in the fall of 2023. All the information can be found on the Travels and internships page: Travels and internships – Obsession Minérale (obsessionminerale.com)

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
See you soon !

Caroline Minvielle


Passionate climber, I officially started climbing at the age of 6. The exterior and the mineral correspond to my ultimate aspirations. The playground is endless and the rock always has new subtleties to submit and puzzles to decode. I practice outdoor climbing in all its forms at a sustained level: from bouldering to multi-pitch in adventure terrain.

On the canyon side, my father, Pierre Minvielle, introduced me to it at a very young age around Rodellar, the place of his finest explorations. He gave me a taste for adventure and discovery and above all passed on his love for the Sierra de Guara.

Trained as an engineer, I decided to venture into the world of teaching and the transmission of knowledge by becoming a climbing and canyoning instructor in order to be able to share this passion that drives me and help those who wish to achieve their dreams.

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Maxime Poirier


I grew up far from the mountains, on an island in the middle of the Pacific and if my first ascents were those of coconut trees, I became passionate about climbing when I returned to France. Touch of everything, globetrotter and passionate about outdoor activities on all elements, I became a fan of thrilling sports such as highline, base-jump and canyoning.

For me, the mountains and these activities restore to us this capacity for admiration and wonder that modern existence can so easily evacuate. Live fully the happiness of the moment, the renunciation of living for tomorrow because today is enough.

My meeting with Caro will have finally sealed my destiny, here I am a climber, in love with the Vercors and the Sierra de Guara, ready to share my passion with those who wish.

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