Our courses and trips
Discover here our adventure and nature immersion courses over several days.
To make a reservation, go to the reservation module above.

Advanced cliff climbing course 3 days
Advanced training and performance on cliffs for:
– push your physical and especially mental limits
– climb into the red and have fun
– manage your emotions and fears
– improve your technique and positioning on the cliff
Different locations and always the same formula: 3 days to learn the strategies of a route after work and give it your all on the onsight routes.

“From the cliff to the big routes” climbing course 4 days
Two days of advanced climbing to climb, progress and learn or consolidate the manipulations on a long route, then a day of a long route on the cliffs of Presles followed the next day by a shorter long route to validate all the knowledge.
Required level: 6a lead
“From the cliff to the big routes” climbing course 4 days :
Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Rock climbing trip in Jordan on the sandstone of Wadi Rum 8 days
A trip to discover rock climbing on the red sandstone towers of the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan.
The sandstone, compact sand in short, sculpted by water and wind, offers ever more spectacular shapes: from tufas to handle bars to taffonis, those big alcoves that force you to make technical mantles in 6a pitches, crimps in steep walls or perfect cracks. The climbing here is rich and requires time to adapt to the rock and its texture.
What can I say other than the atmosphere in this desert? It's certainly why you come to Wadi Rum. The stretches of sand as far as the eye can see, punctuated by these 'djebels', leave you dreaming and pondering. You reach a different level of self-presence, and the break with everyday life is automatic and effortless. It's definitely an experience worth living.