OUR CANYONS IN Royans-Vercors
We offer three levels and formats of canyons: half-day discovery canyon, full-day adventure canyon and full-day sports canyon.

discovery canyoning half day
To give a taste of adventure without the physical and long parameter of certain day canyons. This type of canyon is ideal for discovering the activity with the family. Example of a canyon: Le Versoud, Le Rousset.
Canyon discovery half day :
Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

canyoning adventure full day
Adapted to the discovery of the activity, these canyons are rather aquatic and playful. By the approaches which are in themselves beautiful hikes and the length of the routes, they already represent a memorable adventure. Example of canyon: Léoncel, Ecouges 2.
Adventure canyon full day :
Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Sports canyoning full day
Long and enduring, these canyons require very good physical condition and are aimed at already experienced practitioners. Example of canyon: Integral Ecouges.
Sports canyon full day :
Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.
Canyon discovery half day :
Price per person.
Adventure canyon full day :
Price per person.
Sports canyon full day :
Price per person.