Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
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Rodellar, Sierra de Guara

South of the Pyrenees, in Aragon, nestles a remarkable and authentic massif: the Sierra de Guara.

All the climbing sectors and almost all the canyons we like to do are accessible on foot (or by boat) and the hassles of everyday life are left to the parking lot, like the car!


RODELLAR, a remarkable and authentic massif

Rodellar is not a tourist site like the others. This small village, built on a rocky promontory, marks the end of a winding and narrow road that crosses the Sierra de Guara. From there, it will be necessary to move on foot or on horseback as at the time or by mountain bike in a more modern way. This is what gives this place its greatest charm.

Avoid taking the car to go on business, there is our will and our ambition. All the climbing sectors and almost all the canyons we like to do are accessible on foot (or by boat) and the hassles of everyday life are left in the car park, like the car!

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors
Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors



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  • September08sunday
    Canyon adventure Balces [Rodellar]
    9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Our activities

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Sport climbing

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors


Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors


Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Multi-pitch climbing

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Via ferrata

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Courses and travel

Changes and Cancellations

The schedule of outings may be modified depending on weather conditions. You will then be contacted by telephone. In case of cancellation on your part, or change in your reservation, please notify us by phone or email 3 days in advance.


Discover here all the activities we offer for this destination.
To make a reservation, go to the reservation module above.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Climbing half day/full day

The atmosphere of the village of Rodellar encourages relaxation and letting go. Everything is then only a question of choosing the sector, then the route and finally the mind focuses on the very essence of climbing: the movement.

Rodellar is known worldwide for its small columns. But the other climbing styles are not to be outdone and all take place in a fabulous setting. 

Rodellar, in the heart of Le Mascun, the site's main climbing area

  • walking shoes (or sneakers)
  • clothing suitable for sports activities
  • a small backpack with a water bottle and sunscreen
  • harness
  • helmet
  • belay system
  • rope

We offer two types of sessions:

Ihalf-day climbing initiation: it's the discovery of the activity where we learn the basics of safety and make our first climbs and descents in top-rope.
> Price: 45€/person

Climbing improvement: Do you already know how to tie your figure-of-eight knot and regularly top-rope climb and would you like to take the lead in climbing? We accompany you for a day on this transition. Or you are already climbing independently in the lead and want to progress whether in tactics (managing a route, reading, etc.), technique (climbing on slopes, on columns, landing knees and putting on lolottes, etc.), the mind (visualization, anxiety management, breathing, etc.) or certain manipulations, we put our experience at your service to accompany you!
> Price: 75€/person

Whether for initiation or improvement, join us on the next outing!

Half day : 

  • From 6 years old
  • No minimum technical level

Daytime : 

  • From 10 years old
  • Technical level: novice to experienced
Climbing initiation half day :
Advanced climbing full day :

Next outings: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Canyoning half day/full day

Each canyon offers the chance for a different journey. Turquoise water basins, cramps, siphons, monstrous overhangs… Shapes, colors, vegetation, everything unfolds at a frantic pace often going well beyond what we had imagined. Surprise is followed by enthusiasm, then by amazement.

Rodellar and its surroundings

  • walking shoes (or sneakers)
  • a liter of water and a picnic for day trips
  • harness
  • helmet
  • neoprene wetsuits
  • neoprene socks if necessary
  • rope
  • backpack

A large majority of our canyons are at the start or near Rodellar and it is on these that we focus.

Half-day discovery canyon:
To give a taste of adventure without the physical and long parameter of certain day canyons. This type of canyon is ideal for discovering the activity with the family. The Petit Mascun canyon is suitable for children from 8 years old. Example of a canyon: Petit Mascun
> Price: 45€/person

Canyon adventure day:
Adapted to the discovery of the activity, these canyons are rather aquatic and playful. By the approaches which are in themselves beautiful hikes and the length of the routes, they already represent a memorable adventure. Example of a canyon: Balces, Barrasil, Peonera
> Price: 60€/person

Sports canyon day:
Long and enduring, these canyons require very good physical condition and are aimed at already experienced practitioners. Example of canyon: Mascun Superior, Otin, Gorges Negras
> Price: 90€/person

  • From the age of 8
  • Do not be afraid of water, better to know how to swim (but not mandatory)
  • Good physical shape
  • Technical level: novice to experienced

We offer three levels and formats of canyons (details here) :

Canyon discovery half day :
Adventure canyon full day :
Sports canyon full day :

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Multipitch full day

Rodellar is known worldwide for its small columns. But this site has some spectacular multi-pitch routes, most of the time on rocky peaks. The Cuca de Bellosta, emblem of the Mascun Superior and visible from La Fuente, is a possible route, as is the Picon d'O Cuervo, visible from the village of Rodellar. This monolith descends via a 60 m abseil in a spider's thread. Guaranteed sensations!

Sierra de Guara, Rodellar, Vadiello, Pena Predicadera or in Riglos

  • walking shoes (or sneakers)
  • clothing suitable for sports activities
  • a small backpack with a water bottle and sunscreen
  • harness
  • helmet
  • belay system
  • rope

The Tozal del Vero is the steep 400m wall that overlooks the Rio Vero and is home to a large number of majestic routes worthy of the Verdonesque limestone, in a much wilder setting. On the other hand, the level is much higher.

Still in Sierra de Guara, 1 hour from Rodellar is Vadiello and its conglomerate towers and the Pena Predicadera which also offer superb large initiation routes.

Finally, talking about conglomerate towers without mentioning Riglos would be a terrible oversight! World famous, these needles attract climbers from all over the world.

We can take you climbing on all these destinations. Do not hesitate to consult the Internships section for several days in a row and to contact us if you have any particular wishes.

  • From 12 years old
  • Good physical condition
  • Technical level: 5c minimum sometimes more depending on the routes
Multipitch full day :
€/group (1 to 4 people)

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Via ferrata half day

The Via Ferrata is an aerial course laid out using metal bars and cables to facilitate the ascent of a rock wall and make it accessible to all. It is a practice halfway between hiking and climbing and an excellent way to apprehend emptiness and verticality.

Rodellar, in the heart of Mascun, on the Spur of the Virgin

  • walking shoes (or sneakers)
  • clothing suitable for sports activities
  • a small backpack with a water bottle and sunscreen
  • harness
  • Via Ferrata lanyards with absorber
  • helmet

The Via Ferrata is an aerial course laid out using metal bars and cables to facilitate the ascent of a rock wall and make it accessible to all. It is a practice halfway between hiking and climbing and an excellent way to apprehend emptiness and verticality.

In Rodellar, the Via Ferrata is located on the Spur of the Virgin. The pretty approach path from Rodellar, the old mule track, will take you to the bottom of the Mascun gorges to pass at the foot of climbing sectors, each more overhanging than the other. The Via Ferrata, although technically affordable, gains height and allows access to aerial and spectacular sections giving a breathtaking view of the Mascun Supérieur and its Citadel.

Join us on the next outing!

  • From the age of 8
  • No minimum technical level
  • Do not (too) be dizzy
Via ferrata half day :

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Verticality Day full day

A real adventure to experience with family or friends around Rodellar. It is the combination of three activities: via ferrata, descent of a dry canyon by rappels and climbing on the cliffs of Rodellar. During this day, we will learn the basics of safety, belaying and roping techniques and do our first climbs and abseilings.
It is aimed at beginners as well as regular practitioners.

Sierra de Guara, Rodellar

  • walking shoes
  • clothing suitable for sports activities
  • a small backpack with a water bottle, sunscreen and the evening meal

  • harness
  • lanyards
  • helmet
  • rope
  • quickdraws
  • climbing shoes

In Rodellar, the Via Ferrata is located on the Spur of the Virgin. The pretty approach path from Rodellar, the old mule track, will take you to the bottom of the Mascun gorges to pass at the foot of climbing sectors, each more overhanging than the other. The Via Ferrata, although technically affordable, gains height and allows access to aerial and spectacular sections giving a breathtaking view of the Mascun Supérieur and its Citadel.

Then, we make the descent through the dry canyon of the Virgin. The beautiful collections allow us to carry out abseils of 5 to 10 meters.

After a picnic on the banks of the Rio Mascun, we will spend the afternoon climbing the famous cliffs of Rodellar. We will adapt the choice of routes according to your level so that everyone can have fun.

Join us on the next outing!

  • From the age of 8
  • Do not (too) be dizzy
  • No minimum technical level
Verticality Day full day :

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Performance climbing course on tufas 3 to 6 days

The purpose of this course is to make you discover climbing on colos and to improve your skills. Rodellar is known worldwide for its small columns. It is an ideal site for learning and giving yourself the means to then independently access other dream spots like Kalymnos or Leonidio.

But it is also a 6-day course to discover the Sierra de Guara and its canyons while taking care of yourself.


  • 5 days of climbing with a focus on the colos with the pose of knees, the placement of lolottes and the management of rest
  • 1 day off where it will be possible to make a canyon or simply walk around and swim
  • 1 massage masterful hands of our favorite physiotherapist, Marie, to relax your strained muscles
  • Every day of warm-up and stretching tips by our specialist
  • guide supervision
  • Coaching
  • Material
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Travel to Rodellar
  • Everything that is not in “what is included”
Performance climbing course on tufas 3 to 6 days :
on demand

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

Portaledge evening

We invite you to discover the unique sensation of spending a moment suspended on the side of a cliff on a portaledge, a small platform on which climbers rest to make ascents lasting several days.

Sierra de Guara, Rodellar

  • walking shoes
  • clothing suitable for sports activities
  • a small backpack with a water bottle, sunscreen and the evening meal
  • portaledge
  • harness
  • helmet
  • rope

The portaledge is a small platform that climbers rest or sleep on to perform multi-day ascents on large walls.

We invite you to discover in your turn this unique sensation of spending a moment suspended on the side of a cliff. You will see breathtaking scenery, limestone needles as far as the eye can see, a gutted rock. The landscape of Mascun Supérieur cannot be described, it is experienced.

Join us on the next outing!

  • From 10 years old
  • Do not (too) be dizzy
  • No minimum technical level
Portaledge evening :

Next releases: see the booking module or contact us if there are no planned outings.




Climbing initiation half day :

Price per person.

Canyon discovery half day :

Price per person.

Via ferrata half day :

Price per person.


Advanced climbing full day :

Price per person.

Adventure canyon full day :

Price per person.

Sports canyon full day :

Price per person.

Multipitch full day :

Price per group (1 to 4 people).


Portaledge evening :

Price per person.


Multi-activity course 3 to 6 days :
on demand

Price per person.

Obsession Minérale - Escalade et canyoning à Rodellar et en Royans-Vercors

We're on social media!

Caroline Minvielle


Passionate climber, I officially started climbing at the age of 6. The exterior and the mineral correspond to my ultimate aspirations. The playground is endless and the rock always has new subtleties to submit and puzzles to decode. I practice outdoor climbing in all its forms at a sustained level: from bouldering to multi-pitch in adventure terrain.

On the canyon side, my father, Pierre Minvielle, introduced me to it at a very young age around Rodellar, the place of his finest explorations. He gave me a taste for adventure and discovery and above all passed on his love for the Sierra de Guara.

Trained as an engineer, I decided to venture into the world of teaching and the transmission of knowledge by becoming a climbing and canyoning instructor in order to be able to share this passion that drives me and help those who wish to achieve their dreams.

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Maxime Poirier


I grew up far from the mountains, on an island in the middle of the Pacific and if my first ascents were those of coconut trees, I became passionate about climbing when I returned to France. Touch of everything, globetrotter and passionate about outdoor activities on all elements, I became a fan of thrilling sports such as highline, base-jump and canyoning.

For me, the mountains and these activities restore to us this capacity for admiration and wonder that modern existence can so easily evacuate. Live fully the happiness of the moment, the renunciation of living for tomorrow because today is enough.

My meeting with Caro will have finally sealed my destiny, here I am a climber, in love with the Vercors and the Sierra de Guara, ready to share my passion with those who wish.

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